
I would like to start my introduction off with thanking you for visiting my website and taking interest in who I am and what my writings have to say.

I was born and raised for a short period of my childhood in Arizona, my Mother’s side of the family resided in the state of Utah so when I was around eight or nine me and my entire immediate family moved here to Utah where I currently reside.

I am a fulfilled Mother, proud sister and a loyal friend filled with a lot of passion, love and gratitude.

My journey in my life has had plenty of adversity and prosperity. I have had my fair share of the good and the bad. The pain and the love.

I created journals since high school as an outlet for all of the experiences and emotions my life has brought to me, I later discovered when I would share them with my close friends and family members that they felt the words from a deep place within themselves and I realized at some point that what I have is a gift. I want to share my gift with as many people as I can so you can maybe learn something new within you.